all postcodes in L34 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L34 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L34 5RQ 14 0 53.427371 -2.796097
L34 5RR 3 1 53.428217 -2.798626
L34 5RS 16 3 53.428147 -2.799588
L34 5RU 24 0 53.429533 -2.800728
L34 5RW 22 0 53.427807 -2.795338
L34 5RY 28 1 53.428673 -2.801343
L34 5SA 1 0 53.427288 -2.797479
L34 5SB 20 5 53.428247 -2.804888
L34 5SE 12 1 53.428047 -2.802446
L34 5SF 8 2 53.427999 -2.801557
L34 5SG 9 1 53.427409 -2.798491
L34 5SH 18 0 53.427695 -2.801401
L34 5SJ 24 0 53.427401 -2.803623
L34 5SL 27 0 53.427476 -2.802901
L34 5SN 25 2 53.427469 -2.801532
L34 5SQ 33 2 53.427763 -2.803299
L34 5SS 7 0 53.427809 -2.799115
L34 5ST 19 2 53.426923 -2.796916
L34 5SU 14 2 53.426814 -2.795982
L34 5SW 14 0 53.427341 -2.801936