all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 2LZ 24 0 53.419865 -2.859637
L36 2NA 10 0 53.419415 -2.860892
L36 2NB 19 0 53.419733 -2.865518
L36 2ND 26 0 53.418829 -2.861166
L36 2NE 59 0 53.419669 -2.864418
L36 2NF 54 0 53.418586 -2.861266
L36 2NG 30 0 53.419459 -2.85853
L36 2NH 44 0 53.419751 -2.859243
L36 2NJ 12 0 53.419747 -2.864826
L36 2NL 4 0 53.419446 -2.866248
L36 2NN 19 0 53.418214 -2.865427
L36 2NP 24 2 53.419731 -2.866992
L36 2NQ 36 0 53.419374 -2.857957
L36 2NR 18 0 53.417451 -2.864087
L36 2NS 23 1 53.416968 -2.861249
L36 2NT 26 0 53.41662 -2.857134
L36 2NU 18 0 53.415867 -2.859285
L36 2NW 33 1 53.417388 -2.861513
L36 2NX 8 0 53.417503 -2.860582
L36 2NY 21 0 53.420197 -2.862247