all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 3SD 12 1 53.427659 -2.856783
L36 3SE 22 0 53.423874 -2.858348
L36 3SF 25 0 53.426294 -2.858036
L36 3SG 35 0 53.422386 -2.846521
L36 3SH 47 1 53.426071 -2.847813
L36 3SJ 41 0 53.423036 -2.846037
L36 3SL 25 0 53.426032 -2.846969
L36 3SN 36 0 53.423783 -2.844682
L36 3SP 43 0 53.423732 -2.844185
L36 3SQ 27 0 53.423827 -2.847362
L36 3SR 42 0 53.42612 -2.845963
L36 3SS 34 0 53.421576 -2.844067
L36 3ST 30 0 53.421576 -2.844067
L36 3SU 34 0 53.421797 -2.843364
L36 3SW 28 0 53.425535 -2.844807
L36 3SX 30 0 53.421797 -2.843364
L36 3TA 48 0 53.422237 -2.854462
L36 3TB 45 0 53.424772 -2.856004
L36 3TD 24 0 53.425319 -2.855924
L36 3TE 28 0 53.422939 -2.844485