all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 7TN 16 0 53.41508 -2.841049
L36 7TP 19 0 53.415763 -2.842417
L36 7TQ 25 0 53.418691 -2.836366
L36 7TR 10 0 53.415592 -2.844926
L36 7TS 7 0 53.416326 -2.845482
L36 7TT 10 0 53.417007 -2.845737
L36 7TU 12 2 53.418063 -2.845156
L36 7TW 4 0 53.413648 -2.840194
L36 7TY 21 0 53.416042 -2.843686
L36 7TZ 12 0 53.416401 -2.845033
L36 7UA 15 0 53.417297 -2.845321
L36 7UB 8 0 53.417759 -2.844909
L36 7UD 10 0 53.418042 -2.842928
L36 7UE 12 0 53.416427 -2.842565
L36 7UF 25 0 53.416692 -2.841909
L36 7UG 31 0 53.416858 -2.843883
L36 7UH 18 0 53.418813 -2.84332
L36 7UJ 24 0 53.418665 -2.845092
L36 7UL 11 0 53.417783 -2.846595
L36 7UN 20 1 53.420024 -2.833458