all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 7SN 16 0 53.41997 -2.83952
L36 7SP 38 1 53.420808 -2.839477
L36 7SQ 33 0 53.417869 -2.840713
L36 7SR 29 0 53.420692 -2.83809
L36 7SS 17 0 53.417581 -2.83824
L36 7ST 24 0 53.420686 -2.838948
L36 7SU 15 0 53.419069 -2.838796
L36 7SW 32 0 53.418485 -2.840033
L36 7SX 16 0 53.417593 -2.839038
L36 7SY 3 2 53.420389 -2.83652
L36 7SZ 39 0 53.420848 -2.837657
L36 7TA 7 2 53.419656 -2.837242
L36 7TB 26 0 53.419616 -2.836459
L36 7TD 13 0 53.42034 -2.834457
L36 7TE 24 0 53.419945 -2.834434
L36 7TF 16 0 53.419444 -2.835342
L36 7TG 25 0 53.418952 -2.836296
L36 7TH 37 0 53.417581 -2.836901
L36 7TJ 24 0 53.41764 -2.837594
L36 7TL 40 0 53.417358 -2.84305