all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 8ES 40 0 53.424744 -2.833219
L36 8ET 41 0 53.42444 -2.833078
L36 8EU 30 0 53.425639 -2.83128
L36 8EX 15 0 53.426688 -2.832851
L36 8EY 15 0 53.427465 -2.834898
L36 8EZ 7 0 53.427515 -2.83678
L36 8FB 3 0 53.430703 -2.854949
L36 8FD 19 0 53.43028 -2.855001
L36 8FE 14 0 53.430671 -2.855641
L36 8HA 35 0 53.42721 -2.832861
L36 8HB 36 0 53.427852 -2.8362
L36 8HD 26 0 53.426641 -2.830592
L36 8HE 8 0 53.425955 -2.832295
L36 8HF 25 0 53.425403 -2.83415
L36 8HG 36 0 53.426503 -2.836308
L36 8HH 20 0 53.425726 -2.834186
L36 8HJ 27 0 53.426578 -2.835843
L36 8HL 14 1 53.427227 -2.829084
L36 8HN 32 0 53.427582 -2.832402
L36 8HP 44 0 53.426509 -2.829897