all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 8DD 36 0 53.42651 -2.837753
L36 8DE 30 0 53.425167 -2.834129
L36 8DF 22 0 53.426855 -2.83481
L36 8DG 38 0 53.424976 -2.83351
L36 8DJ 25 0 53.424248 -2.842525
L36 8DL 17 1 53.427173 -2.841965
L36 8DP 11 0 53.426313 -2.841572
L36 8DQ 28 0 53.426755 -2.833605
L36 8DR 27 0 53.425881 -2.84382
L36 8DS 16 2 53.426992 -2.845965
L36 8DU 7 1 53.428296 -2.849588
L36 8AB 26 0 53.429163 -2.851622
L36 8DX 18 0 53.426469 -2.843652
L36 8EE 11 0 53.428079 -2.846949
L36 8FF 20 0 53.422896 -2.843055
L36 8EH 17 0 53.430675 -2.852631
L36 8EJ 6 0 53.431399 -2.850718
L36 8EL 33 1 53.429744 -2.848307
L36 8EP 21 0 53.42338 -2.83551
L36 8ER 9 0 53.423821 -2.835488