all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 4AR 0 53.415651 -2.860273
L36 5PL 2 0 53.409252 -2.84131
L36 5RL 10 0 53.408938 -2.841425
L36 5RP 12 0 53.401591 -2.845732
L36 5RS 4 0 53.408598 -2.841207
L36 5RT 4 4 53.410322 -2.838925
L36 5RU 23 0 53.407389 -2.840612
L36 5RX 18 0 53.406673 -2.841455
L36 5RY 15 0 53.406707 -2.840388
L36 5RZ 1 1 53.409103 -2.830807
L36 5SA 18 0 53.410933 -2.835115
L36 5SB 1 1 53.410087 -2.839161
L36 5SD 9 0 53.411618 -2.833639
L36 5SE 2 0 53.410341 -2.835946
L36 5SF 16 0 53.409522 -2.832515
L36 5SH 13 1 53.411971 -2.835858
L36 5SJ 15 1 53.411578 -2.835474
L36 5SL 2 0 53.40956 -2.834531
L36 5SN 30 0 53.410681 -2.827423
L36 5SP 38 0 53.409366 -2.83686