all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 5SQ 6 1 53.409127 -2.832538
L36 5SR 9 0 53.409024 -2.833122
L36 5SS 21 0 53.408999 -2.836612
L36 5ST 28 0 53.408522 -2.832902
L36 5SU 36 2 53.407183 -2.839179
L36 5SW 5 0 53.41024 -2.833958
L36 5SX 18 0 53.40611 -2.839729
L36 5SY 1 0 53.407949 -2.831221
L36 5TA 18 0 53.408269 -2.833047
L36 5TB 7 0 53.408762 -2.837134
L36 5TD 19 0 53.405979 -2.842976
L36 5TE 11 0 53.404854 -2.839373
L36 5TG 19 3 53.404235 -2.837541
L36 5TH 21 0 53.404922 -2.841225
L36 5TJ 10 0 53.404051 -2.83847
L36 5TL 8 0 53.403775 -2.841969
L36 5TN 38 9 53.404059 -2.846337
L36 5TP 28 0 53.404443 -2.846706
L36 5TQ 11 0 53.405828 -2.844056
L36 5TR 24 0 53.404609 -2.842181