all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 5US 5 0 53.399049 -2.839124
L36 5UT 9 0 53.401014 -2.835748
L36 5UU 1 0 53.408274 -2.836252
L36 5UW 24 0 53.402622 -2.844925
L36 5UX 10 0 53.406713 -2.838312
L36 5UY 3 1 53.408829 -2.84043
L36 5UZ 27 1 53.409105 -2.840676
L36 5XA 26 0 53.409365 -2.844321
L36 5XB 32 1 53.407758 -2.845643
L36 5XD 3 0 53.40677 -2.844225
L36 5XE 21 3 53.408753 -2.844761
L36 5XF 17 0 53.408361 -2.845535
L36 5XG 6 1 53.408889 -2.842957
L36 5XH 20 0 53.407566 -2.844767
L36 5XJ 13 0 53.407075 -2.844411
L36 5XL 28 1 53.405274 -2.846106
L36 5XN 36 10 53.407597 -2.846798
L36 5XP 21 0 53.403691 -2.847443
L36 5XR 12 0 53.402723 -2.848311
L36 5XS 15 0 53.402854 -2.846313