all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 9BY 1 1 53.402745 -2.970567
L1 9BZ 11 4 53.400023 -2.971468
L1 9DA 2 1 53.400933 -2.971097
L1 9DE 11 7 53.402308 -2.971159
L1 9DF 9 7 53.400832 -2.975787
L1 9DN 45 1 53.401312 -2.975423
L1 9DP 0 53.39971 -2.974574
L1 9DS 0 53.400299 -2.975114
L1 9DT 0 53.400394 -2.974303
L1 9DU 2 53.400066 -2.976146
L1 9DW 3 53.401277 -2.974188
L1 9DY 0 53.399207 -2.973374
L1 9DZ 0 53.399226 -2.971058
L1 9ED 1 53.403699 -2.972529
L1 9EF 4 53.402231 -2.972902
L1 9EH 3 53.401475 -2.97311
L1 9EN 1 53.400979 -2.973204
L1 9ER 5 53.399934 -2.97339
L1 9EW 9 53.400439 -2.973387
L1 9EX 2 53.399457 -2.973666