all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L2 0RL 1 53.406089 -2.993463
L2 0RR 5 53.406112 -2.992861
L2 0SD 3 53.406121 -2.992847
L2 0SG 1 53.406528 -2.991427
L2 0SU 1 53.406413 -2.991319
L2 0UP 1 53.406413 -2.991319
L2 0XJ 3 53.405219 -2.993202
L2 1TD 8 53.405089 -2.987242
L2 1TL 5 53.405141 -2.986371
L2 1TS 5 53.404891 -2.989403
L2 1XA 1 53.404062 -2.989685
L2 2AE 4 53.407863 -2.989894
L2 2AG 2 53.408042 -2.989883
L2 2AW 5 53.407806 -2.990238
L2 2AY 3 53.409011 -2.987965
L2 2BL 0 53.408519 -2.989879
L2 2BP 3 53.408884 -2.990263
L2 2BS 3 53.408295 -2.988655
L2 2DP 0 53.408283 -2.991272
L2 2DT 9 53.408908 -2.990579