all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 1BG 13 53.409286 -3.000156
L3 1BH 0 53.406182 -2.994127
L3 1BN 0 53.406182 -2.994127
L3 1BY 23 53.404229 -2.994412
L3 1HU 11 53.405979 -2.995882
L3 1DD 1 53.404763 -2.994018
L3 1DL 8 53.407589 -2.999018
L3 1DP 3 53.404601 -2.997158
L3 1DS 7 53.405223 -2.994766
L3 1EG 3 53.405223 -2.994766
L3 1EL 1 53.405184 -2.995277
L3 1JH 4 53.405979 -2.995882
L3 1LG 2 53.406638 -2.994332
L3 1LL 1 53.405979 -2.995882
L3 1NW 1 53.404229 -2.994412
L3 1NX 1 53.405979 -2.995882
L3 1NY 1 53.405979 -2.995882
L3 1PS 1 53.405979 -2.995882
L3 1PY 1 53.405979 -2.995882
L3 1QH 1 53.407589 -2.999018