all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L2 7QB 3 53.405599 -2.991812
L2 7RB 1 53.405599 -2.991812
L2 7QH 0 53.405599 -2.991812
L2 7QS 1 53.405599 -2.991812
L2 8SZ 1 53.407502 -2.993255
L2 8TD 19 53.406549 -2.993172
L2 8TX 6 53.407187 -2.994346
L2 8TZ 2 53.407084 -2.99487
L2 8UA 1 53.407451 -2.993885
L2 8UD 1 53.406869 -2.993661
L2 8US 1 53.406786 -2.992922
L2 9QA 5 53.405891 -2.989065
L2 9QJ 1 53.405662 -2.988548
L2 9QN 1 53.405644 -2.988548
L2 9QR 4 53.405489 -2.989959
L2 9QU 4 53.406121 -2.989537
L2 9RF 4 53.406233 -2.989074
L2 9RL 1 53.406226 -2.988833
L2 9RP 3 53.405994 -2.988677
L2 9RU 2 53.406073 -2.988874