all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 6HG 0 53.417219 -2.985642
L3 6HQ 0 53.417691 -2.988392
L3 6HZ 0 53.413565 -2.990553
L3 6JB 4 53.413355 -2.994053
L3 6JF 0 53.418189 -2.985755
L3 6JH 1 53.416133 -2.983104
L3 6JJ 0 53.4184 -2.983081
L3 6JL 1 53.417516 -2.992089
L3 6JN 0 53.416967 -2.991083
L3 6JP 0 53.416762 -2.993034
L3 6JQ 0 53.418812 -2.985393
L3 6JR 0 53.417564 -2.993971
L3 6JS 0 53.417734 -2.991913
L3 6JT 0 53.417216 -2.990427
L3 6JU 1 53.414183 -2.983165
L3 6JW 0 53.416602 -2.991812
L3 6JX 0 53.419595 -2.99289
L3 6JY 0 53.419457 -2.992164
L3 6JZ 0 53.420462 -2.99136
L3 6LA 0 53.420028 -2.991651