all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 5RR 1 53.408246 -2.969459
L3 5RY 8 53.404713 -2.97723
L3 5SA 1 53.404548 -2.976489
L3 5SB 2 53.404915 -2.977656
L3 5SD 4 53.403994 -2.975063
L3 5SR 2 53.403299 -2.968714
L3 5SX 0 53.404898 -2.976588
L3 5TB 7 53.404022 -2.973725
L3 5TF 10 53.403908 -2.971225
L3 5TL 2 53.404241 -2.972301
L3 5TN 5 53.404301 -2.972588
L3 5TP 1 53.404377 -2.973191
L3 5TQ 4 53.404754 -2.967725
L3 5TS 1 53.404643 -2.97252
L3 5TT 0 53.404532 -2.974022
L3 5TX 4 53.405881 -2.965193
L3 5TY 1 53.405821 -2.964801
L3 5UB 1 53.405848 -2.964771
L3 5UL 1 53.405497 -2.976962
L3 5UX 1 53.403685 -2.973176