all postcodes in LL49 / CRICCIETH

find any address or company within the LL49 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL49 9YE 1 0 52.909619 -4.175889
LL49 9YF 2 2 52.913112 -4.174145
LL49 9YG 9 0 52.91369 -4.173044
LL49 9YH 11 2 52.917065 -4.17827
LL49 9YL 5 0 52.918909 -4.190412
LL49 9YN 11 0 52.930972 -4.170993
LL49 9YQ 22 0 52.91209 -4.166152
LL49 9YR 51 0 52.913042 -4.163224
LL49 9YS 63 0 52.912921 -4.166922
LL49 9YU 12 0 52.91542 -4.1738
LL49 9YW 2 0 52.921115 -4.172529
LL49 9ZD 1 1 52.930595 -4.140106
LL49 9ZP 1 1 52.93058 -4.140099
LL49 9ZR 1 1 52.93058 -4.140099
LL49 9AB 1 52.924193 -4.125278
LL49 9ZJ 1 52.93058 -4.140099
LL49 9EQ 0 52.9289 -4.133023
LL49 9AQ 1 52.940598 -4.149434
LL49 9DH 0 52.929152 -4.128988
LL49 9DL 1 1 52.928744 -4.129221