all postcodes in LL49 / CRICCIETH

find any address or company within the LL49 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL49 9SH 10 1 52.935277 -4.173938
LL49 9SL 2 1 52.932976 -4.154613
LL49 9SN 9 1 52.94329 -4.121562
LL49 9SP 9 0 52.952081 -4.10515
LL49 9SR 8 2 52.955483 -4.101429
LL49 9SS 10 0 52.951293 -4.107032
LL49 9ST 4 0 52.951797 -4.107503
LL49 9SU 6 1 52.952292 -4.107482
LL49 9SW 7 0 52.951115 -4.106398
LL49 9SY 3 0 52.952923 -4.1079
LL49 9TA 4 0 52.953048 -4.107951
LL49 9TB 2 0 52.952871 -4.108112
LL49 9TD 6 0 52.952915 -4.108867
LL49 9TE 8 0 52.953602 -4.120245
LL49 9TF 1 0 52.962395 -4.121256
LL49 9TG 32 0 52.938748 -4.143865
LL49 9TN 6 0 52.919665 -4.133104
LL49 9TP 36 1 52.917741 -4.134965
LL49 9TR 16 1 52.916327 -4.136718
LL49 9TS 10 1 52.91546 -4.136467