all postcodes in LL49 / CRICCIETH

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL49 9NU 25 13 52.928353 -4.134773
LL49 9NW 41 25 52.927298 -4.132459
LL49 9NY 22 4 52.927956 -4.137038
LL49 9NZ 17 14 52.929427 -4.140206
LL49 9PA 5 0 52.926999 -4.137765
LL49 9PB 6 0 52.926671 -4.134996
LL49 9PD 1 0 52.927005 -4.134403
LL49 9PE 1 0 52.927389 -4.133544
LL49 9PF 26 0 52.926044 -4.13434
LL49 9PG 2 1 52.925371 -4.128267
LL49 9PH 1 1 52.928158 -4.133284
LL49 9PP 13 2 52.935162 -4.122736
LL49 9PR 4 1 52.93507 -4.133922
LL49 9PS 9 1 52.937884 -4.139924
LL49 9PT 58 0 52.937249 -4.142229
LL49 9PU 53 0 52.937663 -4.142175
LL49 9PW 2 0 52.933281 -4.141221
LL49 9PY 39 1 52.937948 -4.14335
LL49 9RA 25 3 52.938706 -4.141199
LL49 9RB 19 8 52.939324 -4.141855