all postcodes in LL49 / CRICCIETH

find any address or company within the LL49 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL49 9RD 17 3 52.939971 -4.140875
LL49 9RE 5 0 52.940721 -4.139126
LL49 9RF 1 0 52.940231 -4.138908
LL49 9RG 13 0 52.941548 -4.13814
LL49 9RH 43 2 52.939509 -4.143374
LL49 9RL 13 0 52.940014 -4.144419
LL49 9RN 9 1 52.939409 -4.146562
LL49 9RP 1 0 52.94354 -4.15528
LL49 9RR 8 0 52.942708 -4.160001
LL49 9RS 2 0 52.943264 -4.160958
LL49 9RT 6 1 52.943706 -4.160974
LL49 9RU 4 0 52.943261 -4.162753
LL49 9RW 20 0 52.941544 -4.154779
LL49 9RY 13 1 52.943263 -4.162
LL49 9SA 2 0 52.942968 -4.162864
LL49 9SB 7 0 52.943573 -4.163742
LL49 9SD 13 0 52.943761 -4.167823
LL49 9SE 5 0 52.946725 -4.181249
LL49 9SF 3 0 52.944972 -4.177856
LL49 9SG 6 0 52.940517 -4.170727