all postcodes in LL49 / CRICCIETH

find any address or company within the LL49 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL49 9TT 7 0 52.915158 -4.135738
LL49 9TU 8 0 52.914862 -4.135203
LL49 9TW 26 0 52.917452 -4.133144
LL49 9TY 5 0 52.913915 -4.136852
LL49 9UA 38 0 52.914716 -4.136832
LL49 9UB 28 0 52.915141 -4.137701
LL49 9UD 11 0 52.915355 -4.138292
LL49 9UE 56 0 52.915762 -4.13913
LL49 9UF 23 1 52.913894 -4.140049
LL49 9UG 12 1 52.912431 -4.147339
LL49 9UH 10 0 52.916723 -4.137719
LL49 9UP 9 0 52.922468 -4.133703
LL49 9UR 14 2 52.921534 -4.139652
LL49 9UT 10 0 52.916914 -4.151012
LL49 9UU 17 1 52.913052 -4.156755
LL49 9UW 2 0 52.924851 -4.134035
LL49 9UY 45 2 52.914062 -4.16155
LL49 9YA 36 3 52.911478 -4.164188
LL49 9YB 15 1 52.911409 -4.16782
LL49 9YD 50 1 52.914522 -4.169352