all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 1DF 16 0 53.231924 -4.11796
LL57 1DG 6 4 53.232055 -4.117697
LL57 1DH 26 1 53.231277 -4.116909
LL57 1DL 19 0 53.231149 -4.116064
LL57 1DP 1 0 53.231132 -4.120528
LL57 1DQ 9 8 53.222897 -4.133618
LL57 1DR 1 1 53.227709 -4.127475
LL57 1DS 3 3 53.226569 -4.126286
LL57 1DT 8 7 53.227316 -4.126758
LL57 1DZ 177 0 53.222606 -4.129769
LL57 1EH 36 0 53.223741 -4.118065
LL57 1EJ 2 0 53.223579 -4.128086
LL57 1EP 1 1 53.228817 -4.122301
LL57 1EQ 2 0 53.21919 -4.127718
LL57 1EX 3 0 53.223316 -4.126793
LL57 1HB 19 0 53.228442 -4.124695
LL57 1HD 8 0 53.228972 -4.124721
LL57 1HE 16 0 53.226537 -4.124616
LL57 1HF 40 0 53.226273 -4.124782
LL57 1HG 21 0 53.225697 -4.125353