all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 1HH 16 0 53.225225 -4.126079
LL57 1HJ 16 0 53.225029 -4.127028
LL57 1HL 3 0 53.226531 -4.124945
LL57 1HN 15 0 53.226005 -4.125674
LL57 1HQ 61 0 53.228671 -4.109799
LL57 1HR 19 1 53.224697 -4.127461
LL57 1HS 7 0 53.224936 -4.126679
LL57 1HT 4 0 53.224666 -4.126201
LL57 1HU 7 0 53.223887 -4.128005
LL57 1HW 2 0 53.225645 -4.12621
LL57 1HY 5 0 53.224351 -4.127713
LL57 1LA 17 2 53.225429 -4.128261
LL57 1LB 12 0 53.225035 -4.130135
LL57 1LD 3 0 53.225291 -4.130403
LL57 1LE 20 3 53.225815 -4.129314
LL57 1LF 11 0 53.225345 -4.129456
LL57 1LG 23 0 53.225457 -4.129221
LL57 1LH 16 2 53.226426 -4.129329
LL57 1LJ 31 8 53.223629 -4.132382
LL57 1LP 1 1 53.226117 -4.127981