all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 0JD 8 0 53.792648 -1.466601
LS15 0JE 4 0 53.792442 -1.464676
LS15 0JF 15 0 53.793117 -1.464895
LS15 0JG 21 0 53.793448 -1.464618
LS15 0JH 25 0 53.793346 -1.463891
LS15 0JJ 14 0 53.793386 -1.462691
LS15 0JL 1 0 53.793423 -1.461036
LS15 0JN 15 0 53.792489 -1.463142
LS15 0JP 21 0 53.79073 -1.465776
LS15 0JQ 17 0 53.793231 -1.462268
LS15 0JR 27 0 53.79098 -1.465439
LS15 0JS 34 0 53.790046 -1.467515
LS15 0JT 18 0 53.790875 -1.468172
LS15 0JU 29 0 53.790636 -1.46687
LS15 0JW 14 0 53.79169 -1.467479
LS15 0JX 26 0 53.791176 -1.467045
LS15 0JY 20 0 53.792183 -1.467048
LS15 0LF 17 11 53.796209 -1.46897
LS15 0LG 18 0 53.795214 -1.469696
LS15 0LH 14 0 53.792496 -1.468729