all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 0LJ 6 0 53.792688 -1.469485
LS15 0LL 25 0 53.79216 -1.470069
LS15 0LN 1 1 53.79103 -1.472663
LS15 0LQ 19 0 53.795158 -1.469211
LS15 0LR 23 0 53.794112 -1.474568
LS15 0LS 34 0 53.794657 -1.475851
LS15 0LT 37 0 53.793084 -1.475826
LS15 0LU 35 0 53.793715 -1.474087
LS15 0LW 13 0 53.791967 -1.473092
LS15 0LX 36 0 53.792501 -1.473966
LS15 0LY 21 0 53.792823 -1.473719
LS15 0LZ 7 0 53.79336 -1.475078
LS15 0NA 6 0 53.792611 -1.474496
LS15 0NE 16 0 53.796889 -1.450303
LS15 0NG 8 0 53.798917 -1.480235
LS15 0NH 44 0 53.798022 -1.480774
LS15 0NJ 13 0 53.797272 -1.48177
LS15 0NN 28 1 53.794831 -1.483094
LS15 0NQ 20 0 53.798661 -1.480994
LS15 0NS 36 0 53.79384 -1.477972