all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 0NT 16 0 53.793172 -1.479346
LS15 0NU 36 0 53.793229 -1.480256
LS15 0NX 16 0 53.791511 -1.477864
LS15 0NY 48 0 53.791691 -1.47982
LS15 0NZ 34 0 53.791941 -1.477388
LS15 0PA 29 0 53.79582 -1.450454
LS15 0PB 10 0 53.796254 -1.450965
LS15 0PF 1 0 53.796533 -1.46092
LS15 0PG 19 0 53.797052 -1.454598
LS15 0PH 29 0 53.795654 -1.455527
LS15 0PJ 65 0 53.794326 -1.455939
LS15 0PL 33 0 53.795617 -1.457152
LS15 0PN 31 0 53.795896 -1.459349
LS15 0PP 24 0 53.796078 -1.457874
LS15 0PQ 28 0 53.795623 -1.456514
LS15 0PR 21 0 53.797551 -1.457491
LS15 0PS 20 0 53.797465 -1.460346
LS15 0PT 1 1 53.796541 -1.460905
LS15 0PU 30 0 53.797138 -1.463569
LS15 0PW 24 0 53.796964 -1.458895