all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 0DL 1 53.795546 -1.471544
LS15 0DJ 3 0 53.795324 -1.47015
LS15 0ET 0 53.796364 -1.481857
LS15 0DQ 0 53.797018 -1.481439
LS15 0QR 11 0 53.796852 -1.482948
LS15 0QS 13 0 53.796752 -1.482232
LS15 0QT 13 0 53.79617 -1.482786
LS15 0BF 2 2 53.785129 -1.480147