all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 0PX 30 0 53.793935 -1.462836
LS15 0PY 20 0 53.795026 -1.463793
LS15 0PZ 34 0 53.795455 -1.463196
LS15 0QA 8 0 53.79652 -1.464214
LS15 0QB 10 0 53.796598 -1.463591
LS15 0QD 8 1 53.796439 -1.466037
LS15 0QE 29 0 53.795852 -1.467548
LS15 0QF 16 0 53.795579 -1.466868
LS15 0QG 14 0 53.795256 -1.466978
LS15 0QH 21 0 53.795654 -1.465501
LS15 0QJ 11 0 53.795452 -1.466475
LS15 0QL 10 1 53.79572 -1.470206
LS15 0QN 55 0 53.795605 -1.464454
LS15 0QP 21 0 53.794372 -1.462192
LS15 0QQ 33 0 53.79463 -1.465559
LS15 0QW 2 0 53.796818 -1.466871
LS15 0WX 1 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS15 0PE 25 0 53.793965 -1.486213
LS15 0PD 24 0 53.793262 -1.486149
LS15 0LB 25 0 53.796093 -1.469078