all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 4EH 10 0 53.829123 -1.393013
LS15 4EJ 18 0 53.829461 -1.392385
LS15 4EL 18 2 53.829673 -1.391638
LS15 4EP 12 0 53.828103 -1.392192
LS15 4EQ 11 0 53.829885 -1.392683
LS15 4ER 25 0 53.826899 -1.392488
LS15 4ES 5 2 53.825613 -1.392122
LS15 4ET 46 0 53.826021 -1.389306
LS15 4EU 13 0 53.8265 -1.391547
LS15 4EW 7 0 53.827729 -1.392957
LS15 4EX 8 0 53.826369 -1.390531
LS15 4EY 5 0 53.826475 -1.390271
LS15 4EZ 22 0 53.826692 -1.390481
LS15 4HA 4 0 53.827399 -1.388177
LS15 4HB 18 0 53.826975 -1.389641
LS15 4HD 8 0 53.827486 -1.387583
LS15 4HE 17 0 53.827475 -1.387158
LS15 4HF 23 0 53.828092 -1.388303
LS15 4HG 4 0 53.827865 -1.389659
LS15 4HH 13 0 53.827239 -1.390154