all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 4NS 2 0 53.840415 -1.393752
LS15 4NT 8 1 53.835592 -1.390853
LS15 4NU 1 0 53.835428 -1.392193
LS15 4NW 1 0 53.849399 -1.392903
LS15 4NX 3 0 53.788945 -1.418183
LS15 4NY 11 0 53.825844 -1.39341
LS15 4NZ 12 0 53.834569 -1.392919
LS15 4PA 31 0 53.825989 -1.386632
LS15 4PB 63 0 53.825456 -1.389572
LS15 4PD 4 0 53.827597 -1.397324
LS15 4PE 14 0 53.832639 -1.393509
LS15 4PF 13 0 53.830562 -1.393296
LS15 4PG 6 0 53.831156 -1.395172
LS15 4PH 6 0 53.831389 -1.394986
LS15 4PQ 5 0 53.827614 -1.39144
LS15 4SY 2 0 53.831243 -1.394826
LS15 4TA 15 12 53.83165 -1.437663
LS15 4WA 1 0 53.827163 -1.456774
LS15 4DT 0 53.823074 -1.422283
LS15 4BZ 0 53.822991 -1.421737