all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 4HJ 14 0 53.827772 -1.391032
LS15 4HL 2 1 53.829816 -1.389909
LS15 4HN 3 0 53.829723 -1.394494
LS15 4HP 4 0 53.832265 -1.39239
LS15 4HQ 9 0 53.827422 -1.389088
LS15 4HR 2 0 53.832022 -1.39252
LS15 4HS 26 1 53.826439 -1.406452
LS15 4HT 1 0 53.826177 -1.40249
LS15 4HU 1 0 53.827299 -1.402064
LS15 4HX 7 0 53.827787 -1.39911
LS15 4HY 17 0 53.828435 -1.399161
LS15 4HZ 27 0 53.829508 -1.398406
LS15 4JA 19 0 53.828866 -1.397469
LS15 4JB 34 0 53.829155 -1.397632
LS15 4JD 15 1 53.828383 -1.396002
LS15 4JE 12 0 53.827822 -1.395387
LS15 4JF 9 1 53.829019 -1.39379
LS15 4JG 13 0 53.829411 -1.394893
LS15 4JH 20 1 53.832792 -1.3953
LS15 4JJ 4 0 53.83102 -1.40589