all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 4JL 13 1 53.833566 -1.397345
LS15 4JN 34 2 53.832897 -1.394752
LS15 4JP 15 1 53.832036 -1.393214
LS15 4JQ 37 7 53.8311 -1.394732
LS15 4JR 2 0 53.832235 -1.393778
LS15 4JS 4 0 53.831867 -1.39539
LS15 4JT 32 0 53.830906 -1.397257
LS15 4JU 16 0 53.830234 -1.397692
LS15 4JX 37 2 53.829621 -1.395635
LS15 4JZ 2 0 53.830704 -1.396611
LS15 4LB 3 0 53.790189 -1.420792
LS15 4LD 32 0 53.789986 -1.419762
LS15 4LE 1 0 53.789731 -1.419113
LS15 4LF 6 0 53.789865 -1.418823
LS15 4LG 20 7 53.789323 -1.41677
LS15 4LH 23 0 53.787367 -1.41907
LS15 4LJ 29 0 53.825867 -1.39619
LS15 4LL 32 0 53.8256 -1.396665
LS15 4LN 10 0 53.825809 -1.39537
LS15 4LP 35 0 53.826272 -1.394498