all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 4LQ 1 1 53.788524 -1.416747
LS15 4LR 30 0 53.826148 -1.39497
LS15 4LS 10 0 53.825161 -1.395152
LS15 4LT 10 0 53.826386 -1.395803
LS15 4LU 8 0 53.827169 -1.394059
LS15 4LW 27 0 53.82457 -1.393884
LS15 4LX 2 0 53.821414 -1.408229
LS15 4LY 3 0 53.819725 -1.408187
LS15 4LZ 6 0 53.819518 -1.408084
LS15 4NA 2 0 53.830682 -1.442254
LS15 4NE 5 0 53.83291 -1.432343
LS15 4NF 6 5 53.839177 -1.425471
LS15 4NG 3 0 53.837465 -1.426112
LS15 4NH 1 0 53.844436 -1.412662
LS15 4NJ 1 1 53.8512 -1.391736
LS15 4NL 1 1 53.851974 -1.378029
LS15 4NN 10 0 53.845653 -1.384384
LS15 4NP 1 0 53.844724 -1.392651
LS15 4NQ 2 0 53.838898 -1.414153
LS15 4NR 2 0 53.835286 -1.39264