all postcodes in LS18 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS18 5BA 1 0 53.84574 -1.631492
LS18 5BB 8 0 53.845633 -1.634791
LS18 5BD 28 0 53.845799 -1.636234
LS18 5BE 15 0 53.844769 -1.637382
LS18 5BG 31 0 53.844909 -1.639144
LS18 5BH 30 0 53.843667 -1.638593
LS18 5BL 38 8 53.840597 -1.636902
LS18 5BP 23 13 53.838942 -1.639408
LS18 5BQ 20 0 53.844223 -1.638132
LS18 5BR 7 0 53.839104 -1.639498
LS18 5BS 32 2 53.837386 -1.621612
LS18 5BT 6 0 53.837398 -1.623302
LS18 5BU 5 0 53.837435 -1.622964
LS18 5BW 3 0 53.840178 -1.637863
LS18 5BX 4 0 53.837443 -1.622629
LS18 5BY 9 0 53.837478 -1.62228
LS18 5BZ 11 0 53.837576 -1.622005
LS18 5DA 12 0 53.83761 -1.621367
LS18 5DB 7 1 53.837619 -1.621306
LS18 5DD 7 0 53.837555 -1.621078