all postcodes in LS19 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS19 7SA 10 0 53.861273 -1.689666
LS19 7SB 52 0 53.86204 -1.690679
LS19 7SD 21 0 53.861816 -1.690909
LS19 7SE 12 3 53.860354 -1.692242
LS19 7SF 2 1 53.860259 -1.691517
LS19 7SG 15 0 53.860433 -1.691345
LS19 7SH 44 0 53.861856 -1.692611
LS19 7SJ 29 0 53.862136 -1.693248
LS19 7SL 60 0 53.861986 -1.697704
LS19 7SN 37 0 53.85993 -1.698585
LS19 7SP 64 43 53.866224 -1.683414
LS19 7SQ 3 1 53.860404 -1.690509
LS19 7SR 7 3 53.867012 -1.682146
LS19 7SS 33 0 53.867091 -1.680195
LS19 7ST 10 0 53.867224 -1.679722
LS19 7SU 1 1 53.866694 -1.67962
LS19 7SW 54 0 53.862535 -1.698004
LS19 7SY 5 0 53.86663 -1.679316
LS19 7SZ 28 1 53.86645 -1.679105
LS19 7TA 44 16 53.86598 -1.678226