all postcodes in LS19 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS19 7TB 9 0 53.865894 -1.67622
LS19 7TD 14 0 53.866732 -1.673841
LS19 7TE 29 0 53.866926 -1.672623
LS19 7TF 20 0 53.867278 -1.672848
LS19 7TG 7 0 53.864739 -1.678129
LS19 7TH 7 0 53.86456 -1.67842
LS19 7TJ 6 0 53.863266 -1.67849
LS19 7TL 30 0 53.862122 -1.677419
LS19 7TN 22 0 53.861677 -1.679232
LS19 7TP 65 0 53.861173 -1.685698
LS19 7TQ 39 0 53.862601 -1.678495
LS19 7TR 28 0 53.861677 -1.685892
LS19 7TS 28 0 53.861732 -1.682942
LS19 7TU 4 4 53.869337 -1.660453
LS19 7TW 35 0 53.861415 -1.682002
LS19 7TY 53 0 53.862027 -1.675459
LS19 7TZ 1 1 53.86912 -1.659999
LS19 7UA 1 1 53.871595 -1.664359
LS19 7UE 2 1 53.869397 -1.647866
LS19 7UF 25 0 53.866768 -1.670678