all postcodes in M13 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M13 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M13 0SR 0 53.453416 -2.205406
M13 0ST 1 53.453971 -2.20184
M13 0SW 0 53.453879 -2.202743
M13 0TA 8 53.4506 -2.201538
M13 0TB 0 53.450024 -2.202002
M13 0TD 0 53.448994 -2.199814
M13 0TE 0 53.448526 -2.200429
M13 0TF 0 53.448695 -2.201182
M13 0TG 0 53.450067 -2.203161
M13 0TH 0 53.447678 -2.202006
M13 0TJ 0 53.447119 -2.203012
M13 0TL 0 53.448019 -2.202369
M13 0TN 0 53.448686 -2.201694
M13 0TP 0 53.449528 -2.203144
M13 0TQ 0 53.449943 -2.202498
M13 0TR 0 53.450587 -2.203902
M13 0TS 0 53.450892 -2.204385
M13 0TT 0 53.450439 -2.206536
M13 0TW 0 53.448658 -2.202266
M13 0TX 0 53.447202 -2.201943