all postcodes in M14 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M14 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M14 6LB 2 2 53.442964 -2.218813
M14 6LD 14 6 53.443487 -2.218923
M14 6LE 9 4 53.443883 -2.218744
M14 6LF 9 5 53.444367 -2.218565
M14 6LG 14 0 53.44407 -2.219347
M14 6LH 20 0 53.444773 -2.218523
M14 6LJ 1 1 53.445329 -2.219369
M14 6LL 9 0 53.445014 -2.219247
M14 6LN 9 0 53.445139 -2.220106
M14 6LP 21 1 53.444815 -2.219289
M14 6LQ 12 0 53.444304 -2.219258
M14 6LR 23 0 53.444499 -2.220795
M14 6LS 22 0 53.444256 -2.220854
M14 6LT 20 0 53.444776 -2.221745
M14 6LU 23 0 53.444119 -2.222223
M14 6LW 33 0 53.44476 -2.220646
M14 6LX 47 0 53.443807 -2.221002
M14 6LY 26 0 53.443881 -2.219497
M14 6LZ 43 0 53.443329 -2.220682
M14 6NA 14 1 53.443423 -2.219555