all postcodes in M14 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M14 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M14 6GN 25 0 53.439788 -2.206123
M14 6GP 10 0 53.439045 -2.209687
M14 6GQ 30 0 53.439723 -2.2124
M14 6GR 14 0 53.439022 -2.207369
M14 6GS 8 0 53.439433 -2.208786
M14 6GT 14 0 53.441954 -2.231094
M14 6GU 34 0 53.442 -2.230326
M14 6GW 30 0 53.438939 -2.208828
M14 6HA 1 0 53.446494 -2.216258
M14 6HD 91 0 53.444919 -2.216354
M14 6HE 3 2 53.444316 -2.21298
M14 6HF 3 0 53.446442 -2.215249
M14 6HG 30 0 53.449007 -2.218198
M14 6HH 40 0 53.447957 -2.217425
M14 6HJ 24 0 53.446697 -2.213414
M14 6HL 27 0 53.446785 -2.209198
M14 6HN 6 0 53.447417 -2.207696
M14 6HP 1 1 53.446494 -2.216258
M14 6HQ 21 0 53.448727 -2.219236
M14 6HS 1 1 53.44721 -2.22257