all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 4BE 1 1 53.480362 -2.239
M1 4BH 2 2 53.476544 -2.242505
M1 4BP 1 1 53.478717 -2.239958
M1 4DA 31 0 53.477931 -2.241262
M1 4DY 7 6 53.479547 -2.238576
M1 4DZ 7 7 53.479355 -2.239326
M1 4EE 38 4 53.47826 -2.239579
M1 4EH 1 0 53.479241 -2.237985
M1 4EJ 7 6 53.478321 -2.240242
M1 4EN 1 1 53.478179 -2.239427
M1 4ET 5 5 53.478997 -2.238616
M1 4EX 1 1 53.478898 -2.239416
M1 4FD 10 9 53.478914 -2.239414
M1 4FE 1 0 53.478321 -2.240242
M1 4FF 7 6 53.478113 -2.239952
M1 4FH 12 10 53.478195 -2.240407
M1 4FL 2 2 53.479174 -2.239853
M1 4GS 4 3 53.478801 -2.238376
M1 4GU 12 2 53.478008 -2.239668
M1 4GX 10 8 53.477755 -2.240133