all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 3WB 8 4 53.476789 -2.237657
M1 3WD 5 1 53.476727 -2.237566
M1 3WE 44 0 53.475533 -2.235644
M1 3WF 2 1 53.476268 -2.236537
M1 3WS 46 1 53.475876 -2.236009
M1 3BG 1 53.478327 -2.232904
M1 3DG 2 53.478604 -2.233418
M1 3BN 23 22 53.477698 -2.23281
M1 3BR 86 1 53.477209 -2.233513
M1 3BP 82 0 53.477209 -2.233513
M1 3AL 1 1 53.474822 -2.232493
M1 3BU 1 53.475986 -2.234714
M1 3HH 1 53.478231 -2.235812
M1 3HF 1 1 53.477898 -2.235825
M1 3BB 602 0 53.474296 -2.235082
M1 3AE 1 53.478999 -2.234038
M1 4AB 42 0 53.478158 -2.240994
M1 4AH 9 8 53.480481 -2.239109
M1 4AJ 10 7 53.480005 -2.237793
M1 4BT 31 31 53.480346 -2.239003