all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 3ED 1 1 53.478779 -2.236191
M1 3EF 2 2 53.478375 -2.235556
M1 3PW 17 3 53.476252 -2.236539
M1 3EJ 1 1 53.478516 -2.23729
M1 3EZ 39 2 53.477276 -2.236771
M1 3FH 9 9 53.478561 -2.237275
M1 3FR 1 1 53.478268 -2.235269
M1 3FS 1 1 53.478673 -2.235166
M1 3FY 2 1 53.477475 -2.235338
M1 3GB 46 0 53.476241 -2.233134
M1 3GF 33 0 53.476358 -2.232773
M1 3GH 1 1 53.477299 -2.234526
M1 3GW 29 0 53.476753 -2.233423
M1 3GY 10 1 53.476376 -2.23324
M1 3HB 1 1 53.476678 -2.234824
M1 3HE 5 5 53.478005 -2.235627
M1 3HN 1 1 53.477754 -2.236095
M1 3HP 1 0 53.477737 -2.239257
M1 3HR 1 1 53.478428 -2.236069
M1 3HW 35 5 53.477134 -2.236031