all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 3HY 10 10 53.478157 -2.23676
M1 3HZ 6 5 53.477474 -2.237028
M1 3JE 2 2 53.477399 -2.237296
M1 3JF 2 2 53.478163 -2.237421
M1 3LA 1 1 53.478848 -2.237503
M1 3LD 20 20 53.478154 -2.238327
M1 3LF 1 1 53.47817 -2.238325
M1 3LR 30 0 53.476482 -2.238529
M1 3LY 13 11 53.476932 -2.238064
M1 3LZ 12 4 53.477266 -2.237448
M1 3NB 4 1 53.477321 -2.237193
M1 3NF 29 0 53.476602 -2.236993
M1 3NJ 13 11 53.475075 -2.235295
M1 3NR 35 2 53.476252 -2.236539
M1 3NT 38 0 53.475757 -2.236943
M1 3NY 1 1 53.475639 -2.237635
M1 3NZ 1 1 53.475522 -2.23777
M1 3PJ 1 1 53.476494 -2.237143
M1 3QJ 1 1 53.475792 -2.232709
M1 3WA 2 2 53.476923 -2.237248