all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 7DE 1 53.474036 -2.239073
M1 7DF 2 53.47382 -2.239328
M1 7DG 1 1 53.474076 -2.236783
M1 7DP 2 1 53.47607 -2.232
M1 7DU 43 4 53.470929 -2.237564
M1 7DY 19 2 53.470479 -2.237062
M1 7DZ 1 1 53.470131 -2.236746
M1 7ED 5 5 53.47196 -2.2382
M1 7EE 4 4 53.469924 -2.236594
M1 7EG 32 0 53.47198 -2.233276
M1 7EL 1 1 53.471486 -2.237582
M1 7EN 1 1 53.473959 -2.237309
M1 7EP 67 0 53.473259 -2.236778
M1 7EQ 33 0 53.47198 -2.233276
M1 7EW 22 0 53.472107 -2.231663
M1 7FN 7 0 53.47207 -2.232461
M1 7FW 14 0 53.472259 -2.232946
M1 7HB 3 3 53.471172 -2.237279
M1 7HE 5 4 53.470311 -2.23634
M1 7HF 1 0 53.470773 -2.23455