all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 7HL 16 12 53.471049 -2.235726
M1 7HR 91 0 53.470349 -2.235406
M1 7HU 1 0 53.470797 -2.236087
M1 7JA 1 1 53.475875 -2.231987
M1 7JG 33 0 53.47299 -2.230492
M1 7JE 1 1 53.472449 -2.2279
M1 7JJ 3 3 53.47256 -2.230703
M1 7JL 11 0 53.47244 -2.231664
M1 7JN 18 0 53.472324 -2.232193
M1 7JP 33 0 53.472846 -2.231488
M1 7JQ 32 0 53.472846 -2.231488
M1 7JW 20 0 53.472737 -2.232301
M1 7XN 19 0 53.470303 -2.236144
M1 7AF 62 0 53.473447 -2.237035
M1 7DN 1 1 53.473081 -2.235798
M1 7EF 1 53.472221 -2.238111
M1 7AA 27 0 53.473981 -2.238799
M1 7AL 0 53.472793 -2.23022
M1 7FA 0 53.473148 -2.237423
M1 7FB 0 53.473148 -2.237423