all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 1AL 1 0 53.478425 -2.175211
M11 1AN 53 0 53.475194 -2.172019
M11 1AP 12 0 53.476677 -2.172341
M11 1AQ 25 0 53.475778 -2.172247
M11 1AR 33 0 53.475725 -2.17172
M11 1AS 36 0 53.475725 -2.171418
M11 1AT 22 0 53.474801 -2.170059
M11 1AU 29 0 53.475825 -2.170997
M11 1AW 24 0 53.476892 -2.172628
M11 1AX 21 0 53.477404 -2.172555
M11 1AY 25 0 53.477505 -2.171275
M11 1AZ 28 0 53.476887 -2.169555
M11 1BA 6 0 53.477724 -2.16891
M11 1BB 30 0 53.476014 -2.170757
M11 1BD 19 0 53.474748 -2.169637
M11 1BE 30 1 53.474316 -2.170433
M11 1BF 9 0 53.47441 -2.16721
M11 1BJ 7 0 53.473893 -2.170748
M11 1BQ 8 0 53.476792 -2.167098
M11 1BR 5 4 53.47877 -2.172862