all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 1ED 13 0 53.473285 -2.168064
M11 1EE 7 0 53.473698 -2.168412
M11 1EF 16 0 53.473534 -2.17031
M11 1EQ 37 0 53.473465 -2.160018
M11 1ER 8 0 53.473792 -2.157895
M11 1PB 5 0 53.473345 -2.15595
M11 1EW 18 1 53.47376 -2.162763
M11 1EY 23 0 53.473825 -2.154672
M11 1NF 2 1 53.473779 -2.153737
M11 1NE 22 0 53.473347 -2.154338
M11 1EZ 10 0 53.473442 -2.157608
M11 1FE 6 0 53.473596 -2.170551
M11 1FH 8 0 53.473653 -2.167476
M11 1FN 17 0 53.473617 -2.168849
M11 1LS 2 0 53.473181 -2.157562
M11 1FW 9 0 53.473624 -2.169813
M11 1PE 3 0 53.473948 -2.155079
M11 1FY 8 0 53.474581 -2.166803
M11 1FZ 14 0 53.4767 -2.168424
M11 1GD 12 0 53.475921 -2.166598