all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 1HT 16 0 53.471636 -2.151079
M11 1HU 27 0 53.471544 -2.152932
M11 1HW 4 1 53.472291 -2.150402
M11 1HX 28 0 53.47156 -2.154393
M11 1HY 25 0 53.471667 -2.15477
M11 1HZ 50 0 53.470766 -2.156409
M11 1JG 18 14 53.472591 -2.162034
M11 1JJ 8 6 53.472706 -2.164431
M11 1JQ 31 0 53.476844 -2.174888
M11 1JR 7 0 53.471122 -2.159001
M11 1JS 40 19 53.473003 -2.162698
M11 1JT 16 8 53.472987 -2.161327
M11 1JU 16 0 53.472586 -2.159865
M11 1JW 7 0 53.470574 -2.159301
M11 1JX 5 2 53.47257 -2.159007
M11 1JY 31 1 53.47168 -2.158883
M11 1JZ 29 0 53.471733 -2.159305
M11 1LA 18 1 53.471688 -2.159772
M11 1LB 12 0 53.471011 -2.161592
M11 1LD 1 1 53.472404 -2.161597