all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 1GE 6 0 53.476281 -2.165951
M11 1GF 36 0 53.476512 -2.17454
M11 1GG 11 0 53.474964 -2.1692
M11 1GH 5 0 53.475432 -2.169082
M11 1GJ 16 0 53.477159 -2.174272
M11 1GR 3 2 53.472882 -2.152363
M11 1GS 10 0 53.471779 -2.151712
M11 1GT 15 0 53.471259 -2.150686
M11 1GU 8 0 53.470969 -2.152794
M11 1GW 8 0 53.471168 -2.15174
M11 1GX 7 0 53.472082 -2.153883
M11 1HF 1 0 53.473082 -2.158918
M11 1HG 19 0 53.471834 -2.151095
M11 1HH 29 1 53.47295 -2.155075
M11 1HJ 8 1 53.472966 -2.157954
M11 1HL 67 4 53.472528 -2.156491
M11 1HN 18 0 53.472434 -2.152965
M11 1HQ 30 0 53.471975 -2.152948
M11 1HR 6 0 53.472937 -2.153027
M11 1HS 17 1 53.471448 -2.150265