all postcodes in M2 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M2 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M2 3NG 4 4 53.478001 -2.24628
M2 3NQ 10 9 53.477553 -2.245946
M2 3PW 1 1 53.476145 -2.24493
M2 3WS 3 3 53.476016 -2.246466
M2 3EY 1 1 53.475715 -2.244355
M2 3BG 1 0 53.476162 -2.244928
M2 3AN 2 53.481506 -2.238663
M2 3DE 4 53.477442 -2.243173
M2 3AE 1 53.477442 -2.243173
M2 4AA 1 1 53.479513 -2.242042
M2 4AD 1 1 53.480445 -2.243418
M2 4AF 2 2 53.479872 -2.242481
M2 4AT 17 0 53.480193 -2.243537
M2 4BQ 2 2 53.479339 -2.242912
M2 4BY 8 7 53.479905 -2.243701
M2 4DE 1 1 53.480075 -2.243913
M2 4DF 4 4 53.4802 -2.244713
M2 4DN 3 3 53.48011 -2.244486
M2 4DU 1 1 53.480461 -2.243416
M2 4DW 11 11 53.480307 -2.244138